Thursday 5 October 2017

Chin Mudra in Yoga - Steps & Benefits

The Chin Mudra, also known as Gyan Mudra, can be described as a yogic gesture that represents the unified nature of human consciousness. Yogis also state that this mudra is the gesture of knowledge. This Chin Mudra helps us to lift us from sluggish energy, creates a more receptive state, calms the mind, and brightens the overall mood.


Both the hands are used to practice this gesture. In order to perform the chin mudra, you should –
  •           Hold the thumb and index finger together lightly
  • ·        While extending the remaining three fingers.
  • ·        The thumb and index finger need only touch together, without exerting any pressure.
  • ·        Keep the three extended fingers as straight as possible.
  • ·        The hands can then be placed on the thighs, facing upwards.

  •           Improvement and increase in concentration, even during meditation.
  • ·        Increasing energy and stamina
  • ·        Promotion of better sleep patterns
  • ·        Reduction of common ailments like lower back pain
  • ·        Relieving stress and any unnecessary tension in the body.

Time Duration:

No particular time duration for this mudra. You can practice while sitting, whenever and wherever you have time.

While there are no major side effects associated with the Chin Mudra, it is a good idea to check with a doctor, before practicing the gesture.

Did You Know?

In this mudra, the index finger represents individual consciousness and the thumb represents universal consciousness. The index finger represents the limited perspective of self and the thumb is the expanded perspective of self. When the two join, the limited self is connected to the spacious Universal Self.

Monday 25 September 2017

Chakra Mudra Steps & Benefits | Mudra Science

These chakra meditations use mudras, which are special hand positions, to open seven chakras. The mudras have the power to send more energy to particular chakras. Lord Vishnu is adorned with Shankha, Chakra, Gada and Padma. The Sudarshan Chakra is a powerful weapon in the Lord Vishnu and Lord Shrikrishna. Chakra Mudra, both of them hold it in the right hand and praying for success in any endeavour.

Chakra Mudra Steps:
  •  Place the right palm on the left palm
  •  Put the index finger of the right hand on the left-hand thumb
  • ·Small finger of the right hand is placed on the index finger of the left hand.
  • ·Press the palms against each other.

Effect: Elements Agni, Vayu and Jala become powerful and spread their energy vibrations. Pressing the palms against each other activate the pressure points of the heart, kidneys, thyroid gland, pancreas and lungs.

Here we discuss 7 chakras who is following.

Root Chakra: Touch your thumb and forefinger knuckle. Concentrate on the Root chakra at the spot in between the genitals and the anus. Chant the sound LAM.

Sacral Chakra: Put your hands in your lap, palms up, on top of each other. Left hand underneath, its palm touching the back of the fingers of the right hand. The tips of the thumbs touch gently. Concentrate on the Sacral chakra at the sacral bone (on the lower back). Chant the sound VAM.

Navel Chakra: Put your hands before your stomach, slightly below your solar plexus. Let the fingers join at the tops, all pointing away from you. Cross the thumbs. It is important to straighten the fingers. Concentrate on the Navel chakra located on the spine, a bit above the level of the navel. Chant the sound RAM.

Heart Chakra: Sit cross-legged. Touch your index finger and thumb. Put your left hand on your left knee and your right hand in front of the lower part of your breastbone (so a bit above the solar plexus). Concentrate on the Heart chakra at the spine, level with the heart. Chant the sound YAM.

Throat Chakra: Cross your fingers on the inside of your hands, without the thumbs. Let the thumbs touch at the tops, and pull them slightly up. Concentrate on the Throat chakra at the base of the throat. Chant the sound HAM.

Third Eye Chakra: Put your hands before the lower part of your breast. The middle fingers are straight and touch at the tops, pointing forward. The other fingers are bended and touch at the upper two phalanges. The thumbs point towards you and touch at the tops. Concentrate on the Third Eye chakra slightly above the point between the eyebrows. Chant the sound OM or AUM.

Crown Chakra: Put your hands before your stomach. Let the ring fingers point up, touching at their tops. Cross the rest of your fingers, with the left thumb underneath the right. Concentrate on the Crown chakra at the top of your head. Chant the sound NG.

  •  The seven chakras get energy and the heart, lungs, pancreas, thyroid and kidneys function powerfully.
  • ·The aura around the body increases
  • ·Placing the thumb (Agni) on the wrist sends energy to the Radial, Median and Ulner nerves and the hand becomes powerful.

Time Duration: This Mudra may be done for 15 minutes a day to increase aura and make the body powerful.

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Anjali Mudra - Position, Benefits & Meaning | Mudra Science

Some of us may find a subconscious resistance to bringing our hands together as if it were a sign of submission. However, the beauty of this gesture, which positions us right at the core of our being, is timeless and universal. Anjali mudra is but one of thousands of types of mudras that are used in Hindu rituals, classical dance, and yoga. As you bring your hands together at your center, you are literally connecting the right and left hemispheres of your brain.

The Anjali Mudra is also seen in Buddhism, Hinduism, and many other religions. Of course, in the West, it is seen as being the hand gesture of prayer. Anjali Mudra is so closely associated with religion, many non-religious people do not wish to make the gesture.

Anjali Mudra Position:
  • ·        Simply bring the hands together at the palms with the fingers reaching upwards.
  • ·     The hands are pressed together firmly and evenly.
  • ·     If using this mudra in yoga, the hands will usually be placed in front of the heart.
  • ·     The hands will be in front of the center of the torso.

Anjali Mudra Meaning:

The Anjali Mudra means “Namaste” and is regularly used in greetings.

  •       Bringing the palms together in the Anjali Mudra connects the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
  • ·    The Anjali Mudra connects the practitioner with spirituality.
  • ·    The mudra promotes respect for oneself and others.
  • ·    The mudra is a natural remedy for stress and anxiety.
  • ·    It is a useful mudra for entering into a meditative state.

Time Duration:

No particular time duration for this mudra. It is also often used in yoga practice, such as during Sun Salutations and Tadasana.


Nothing at all. Perform this asana freely.

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Mushti Mudra - How to Do Steps and Benefits | Mudra Science

Mushti is the fight fist which is the symbol of force. Our body has natural tendency to respond to negative emotions for example anger, fear, aggression, annoyance plus frustration by the final fist. This Mushti Mudra promotes digestion, helps cure constipation and lethargy. In this article, we are going to tell you all the information about the Mushti Mudra.

It is utilized to signify the following:
  • A combative position of the wrestlers.
  • Grasping objects.
  • Steady fastness of a person.

  •  Sit in a relaxed position & palms in front of upwards.
  • ·Let the breath to turn into slightly longer as you develop the feeling of letting go, the feeling of saying "No".
  • ·Twist the fingers of both hands carrying the tips of the fingers onto the palms. Put the thumbs onto the ring finger apply steady light pressure.
  • ·Carry on for up to 15 minutes whenever plus wherever desirable.

Effect: This Mudra is the combination of Vayu Mudra, Shoonya Mudra, Soorya Mudra & Jalodara Nashaka Mudra which decreases all the four elements there by solving the problems of the excesses of the four elements namely Vayu, Akasha, Prithvi & Jala. The Agni affecting Soorya Mudra generates heat and energy in the body.

  •   This Mudra helps to treat constipation, digestion problem & plus stomach energy.
  • · This Mudra helps to reduce negative emotions.
  • · The Mushti fist is a mark for anger, anger or else threat.
  • ·  Reduces the tingling in the body parts.
  • · Mushti Mudra is practical for the discharge of unexpressed emotions.

Time Duration:
  • Hold for 5 minutes to let go negative emotions, as required otherwise, 3 times a day for 15 minutes habitually.
  • Embrace for 10 minutes later than meals to assist by digestion.

What are the natural useful home remedies for health?

Many Indian still believes on home remedies to cure a common cold and cough. Most important among them are a lemon, amla, holy basil, ginger, mint, carrot, tomato, onion, garlic, cucumber, and coriander.

These home remedies act as medicines and free from any side-effects.

Lemon: The health benefits of lemon reduce problems of throat infections, indigestion, constipation, dental problems, fever, internal bleeding, rheumatism, burns, obesity, respiratory disorders, cholera and high blood pressure, it also benefits your hair and skin. It is a well-known treatment for kidney stones, reducing strokes and lowering body temperature. These are some points following.
  •   It helps to strengthen your immune system, cleanse your stomach, and it is considered a blood purifier.
  • · Drink a glass of water with one lemon juice in the morning before tea. This is a good remedy for cleansing the body internally.
  • · Lemon juice with water expels toxins from the body
  • · Lemon has vitamin C in abundance
  • · Lemon juice cures anemia, joint pain, bleeding, oral diseases and scurvy
  • · Cures flatulence, indigestion, and vomiting
  • ·  Helps bowl movement
  • ·  Cures sunstroke, dizziness
  • ·  Cures blood pressure and heart diseases
  • ·  Lemon and water drink helps the body skin to glow
  • ·  Lemon + water will cure pimples
  • ·  Many people also use it as a washing agent, because of its ability to remove stains.
  • ·  Home remedies for common cold and cough is a mixture of lemon, cinnamon, and honey. This syrup effectively cures cold and cough.

Amla: "Amla is a very special fruit full of antioxidants that are effective in reducing the cell damage which reduces the free radicals that can cause disease in the body", says Dr. Komal Bhadouria, Nutritionist, SCI International Hospital, New Delhi. You can drink a mix of amla powder, ginger powder, honey and lime juice or you can even add amla powder to a glass of fresh juice for breakfast. These are some points to describe Amla benefits.
  •   Amla is rich in vitamin C.
  • · The problems of teeth and gums are cured when powder of Amla mixed with water is taken every day
  • ·  Cures throat problems
  • ·  Cures acidity
  • ·  Amla improves vision
  • ·  Amla powder is great for boosting your immunity but it also has other wonderful benefits for your hair, skin and overall health.
  • ·  Amla Supari pacifies acidity immediately, stops vomiting and cures indigestion.
  • ·  Amla juice mixed with a cup of fresh bitter gourd juice taken daily for two months will stimulate pancreas, enables the secretion of insulin, thus reducing blood sugar.
  • ·  It reduces the risk of heart disease by regulating the build-up of bad cholesterol
  • · Amla powder is good for diabetics. Amla contains chromium which makes the body more responsive to insulin and regulates the blood glucose levels.

Holy Basil (Tulsi): From the leaves to the seed, holy basil is considered a tonic for the body, mind, and spirit. Holy basil has a property of destroying bacteria and insects.

There are two types of holy basil, one has green leaves and other has dark leaves. But the qualities are same. Holy basil for human use and its therapeutic value. The nutritional value is also high, as it contains:
  •      vitamin A and C
  • ·  calcium
  • ·  zinc
  • ·  iron
  • ·  chlorophyll

These are some useful points following.
  •   Holy basil gives out a lot of oxygen. Therefore the environment is always clean
  • · People put holy basil leaves in the drinking water. So water is purified
  • · Few drops of juice of holy basil leaves cures an earache
  • · Reduces cholesterol level in the blood
  • · Leaves of holy basil are to be used with tea which cures a sore throat
  • · Apply the juice of holy basil leaves on the affected parts of insect stings or bites.
  • · Reduces stress and anxiety

    Ginger: There are excellent qualities in ginger. This is used in chutney, tea, and various curries. Foods that contain ginger include gingerbread, cookies, ginger snaps, ginger ale, and a wide variety of savory recipes. Sun dried ginger has other qualities.

·      Decoction of ginger, holy basil leaves, and jaggery are useful in curing a cold, phlegm, fever, asthma and joint pain
·    It helps digestion problem
·    Dried ginger is used in Ayurvedic medicines. Dried ginger is to be ground with jaggery and make into small tablets. Take 2-3 tablets at a time twice a day. This reduces cholesterol in the blood
·    Mental problems are cured with dried ginger and Ayurvedic medicines. Dried ginger also improves memory.
·    Possible health benefits include reducing nausea, pain, and inflammation.

Mint: Mint has a strong odour.

·        Decoction of mint cures hiccups, cold, cough and throat problems
·        Mint drives away insects. Therefore, mint is to be grown around the house
·        Mint chutney improves glow of the skin
·        Mint leaves are to be used in tea and salads
·        Mint improves iron in the body.

Garlic: Every 100 grams of garlic will serve you with close to 150 calories, 33 grams of carbs, 6.36 grams of protein. Garlic is also enriched with Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, folate, Vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, and zinc. The odour in garlic is due to its Sulphur content.
  •    The garlic kills worms hence this prevents cholera and typhoid
  • ·  Reduces cholesterol in the blood
  • ·  Helps the blood circulation
  • ·  Prevents clots in the blood.
  • ·  Cures respiratory problems

·        Asthma patients should not consume garlic as it may have side-effects.
·        Garlic should be avoided before surgeries or medical operations.

·        Without consulting a doctor do not take more than 2-3 garlic cloves in a day.

Monday 11 September 2017

What are the essential Nutrients for the Body?

There are six ingredients of foods that are essential for the nutrition of the body. They are – proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. runs a blog where you could know about yoga mudras, steps, benefits and many other factors related to health issues.

Proteins: Proteins are essential for growth, maintenance, and regeneration of the body. The main sources of proteins are pulses, milk, eggs, meat etc. This results in the deficiency of minerals in the bones, hair, and nails. Daily consumption of 20 grams of proteins is enough for a balanced health of the body.

The balanced proportion of proteins in the diet results in an increase in the physical and mental energy, a capacity to work for long periods without getting tired and reduced susceptibility to disease.

Carbohydrates: The largest amount of our nutrition belongs to carbohydrates. Fruits and some vegetables are good sources of simple carbohydrates. Products made with unrefined grains such as whole grain bread, brown rice, root vegetables are the best carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates provide heat and energy to the body. Cereals, tubers, roots, pulses, milk are also main sources of carbohydrates.
Therefore too much use of the following five food items is considered are considered harmful.

  • ·       White flour(Maida)
  • ·       Polished rice
  • ·       Refined sugar
  • ·       White processed salt
  • ·       Milk.

Processing removes the fibers and roughage from the food. This results in the insufficient elimination of wastes, due to which toxins accumulate in the blood which causes a lot of damage to our health.

Fats: fat is a very concentrated source of energy. Ghee-clarified butter and oils are the main sources of fats.
There are two types of fats.

1.  Saturated

Butter, Ghee, Vegetable ghee, coconut oil, whole milk, cream, Shreekhand, ice creams, chocolate cakes, eggs, meat, oyster, fish are some of the foods containing saturated fats.

2.  Unsaturated

Peanut oil, Sesame oil, Cotton seed oil, Sunflower oil are unsaturated fats.
Therefore it is necessary to minimize the intake of saturated fats and eggs replacing them with unsaturated fats like vegetable oils, also to be used in moderation.


The tiniest part of our diet belongs to vitamins. Vitamins are substances that are required by the body for normal growth and tissue maintenance. Vitamins are of great importance. Vitamins develop the ability of the body to protect itself against diseases.

Vitamins are divided into two groups – water soluble and fat soluble. The water soluble vitamins include B-Complex vitamins and vitamin C. The fat soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E, and K. Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of many vitamins.

Friday 8 September 2017

Vishnu Mudra in Yoga – Steps and Benefits

Certain pranayama methods call for respiration by one nostril at one time, with the other nostril gently held closed. Traditionally, one shuts down the nostrils using an extraordinary hand position known as Vishnu Mudra (Symbol of Vishnu). But in yoga, it is much believed to have a great impact on the mind and on a body by helping to clear up the energy channels, in addition to known as Nadis.

  •       Hold the tips of the right index and middle fingers against the palm. Extend the thumb and other two fingers.
  • ·     To close the left nostril, press lightly on it with the tips of the little and ring fingers.
  • ·     To close the right nostril, press lightly on it with the tip of the thumb.
  • ·     While retaining the breath, press lightly on both nostrils to hold them closed.

  •       This pranayama is believed to make a balance between the left and right sides of the brain.
  • ·     Likewise nadi shodhana calms down the mind for meditation, improve greatly in terms of concentration and brings down stress level.

Time Duration: No particular time duration for this mudra. You can practice while sitting, standing or lying on a bed whenever and wherever you have time.

Precautions: If you feel awkward and uneasy to curl up the index finger and middle fingers to the palm, you are allowed to place the tips of those fingers which have to be used at the point between the eyebrows. The other fingers and thumb will be used as in standard Vishnu Mudra.